All you need to know about the Isle of Man

For quick though superficial reference to many of the aspects of the Island's history generally covered by Manx Transport Review, there has grown a useful list of keynotes. It is now many years since this was first compiled for private purposes but since their use shows no sign of diminishing, they are reproduced here for the general information of readers. They are not comprehensive but are primarily useful for the references contained. Any corrections or additions would be gratefully received.

Constitutional History

Services & Utilities - Shipping

Ports & Harbours

Coastal Lighthouses

Air Transport

Railways and Tramways

Passenger Road Motor Services

Utilities - Water

Industries - Tourism

Industries - Mines, Quarries and Extraction

Industries - Mining and Manufacturing


Constitutional History

The Island was first settled in the Mesolithic period, but was to remain unoccupied by the Roman Invasions of Britain. Ancient maps of the Roman Empire in the Vatican Museum show "Mona" alternating between the Isle of Man and Anglesey and neither was of much interest to the Romans. Christianity was introduced to the Island by the Celtic church. From the 8th century, Norsemen raided, invaded and finally occupied the Island. From around the time of the Norman conquest the Isle of Man was ruled as a kingdom which formalised existing laws and administrative divisions. After 150 years of alternating Scottish and English control of the Island, it became a "Lordship of the Crown" of England and was given to Sir John Stanley by King Henry IV in 1405. Under successive Earls of Derby and the Dukes of Athol, the Island was placed directly under the English Crown by the Revestment Act 1765.

In 1866 the Customs, Harbours & Public Purposes Act provided Tynwald, the Island's parliament, with some direct control over Insular expenditure. Tynwald is one of the world's oldest parliaments; the "Ramsey Courier" thought it was 1,000 years old in 1957; Tynwald thought so too in 1979; both dates are probably bogus. The Election Act of 1866 changed Tynwald from a self-elected assembly into a democratically-elected body. Tynwald consists of two components, the House of Keys, elected every five years and consisting of 24 members, and the Legislative Council. The whole is presided over via a President of Tynwald, by the Lieutenant-Governor, appointed by the Crown. The main electoral and administrative subdivisions consist of six SHEADINGS, subdivided into 17 parishes.