Douglas Head Marine Drive Photographs

Car No. 2 unloads at Port Soderick with a full complement of passengers from Douglas. (Photo W.H. Bett)

Car No. 3 is also shown at Port Soderick. This car was delivered to the tramway during 1896 as Trailer No. 11. In 1909 it was motorised, having exchanged equipment and fleetnumbers with Car No. 3 after the latter was damaged beyond repair in a collision with another car. (Photo B. Williams)

A pristine Car No. 4 waits for passengers at the Douglas Head terminus of the tramway. The metal disc hung from the dash indicates to Motormen the number of cars in service on this single track tramway. Manx Radio's studios now occupy the site to the left of Car No. 4. (Photo A.D. Packer Collection)

This view of Car No. 7 clearly shows the crossbench seating on the lower deck, whilst the upper deck is fitted with swing over, double transverse seats. Also noteworth is the unusual Lord Baltimore No. 2 type truck with a wheelbase of 78", fitted with 2 x 25hp motors. Car No. 7 was reputedly the last car to return to the depot at Little Ness on the 15th September 1939, the Marine Drive Tramway's last day of sevice.(Photo A.D. Packer Colloection)